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A Better Bounce Card - What's that?

Basically it's a device for reflecting the flash light. It is used to get an equally lit targt you are photographing. As I'm always searching for interesting projects I found the website http://www.abetterbouncecard.com. There the effect and the function of such a reflector i.e. bouncing device is described in detail in some videos. There is a special way how it is mounted on the flash. I'll come back to it lateron.

The idea using something to bounce the light with it is not really new. Most of the construction guides you find in the internet are more or less complicated or working. Therefore I like the versions shown on http://www.abetterbouncecard.com very much as they are simple though effective. Unfortunately there are no cutting masks on the website available. This is where this article comes in.

These bounce cards are best used within rooms where they are used additionally to the ceiling or a wall for bouncing flash light. They are based on the assumption that oftenly the bounced light from a wall or the ceiling is roughly enough but you just want some more light from the front to give a pleasing result, especially when doing portraits. Using a bounce card you will have less hard shadows below e.g. the chin or nose. And those bounce cards easily fit into your camera bag, are cheap to produce and light.

All following informations and drawings are also available in one PDF for printing (in german language). All drawings are in scale 1:1 and can therefore be used as cutting masks directly after printing them. Download the file here (DIN A4 paper format)

Used material

For the bounce cards I used a 2mm thick, white and/or black foam rubber. You can easily get it in your local craft supplies or hardware store. Alternatively you can use the back of a thicker photo paper (the non-glossy side).

Mounting the bounce cards can be done with different methods. Personally I prefer a klett binder as you can easily get them in the hardware store or at a electronics retailer and they simply look more professional. But you can also use rubber band, glued klett, tape or something like that. You can also glue the klett binder directly to the foam rubber if you like to.

A Better Bounce Card

When bouncing flash light you get additional directed light. The narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

A Better Bounce Card - Baby

When bouncing flash light you get additional directed light. The narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object an gives a bit less light than A better Bounce Card.
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

A Better Bounce Card - Feather-Light (Version 1)

When bouncing flash light you get two additional directed light rays from the side. Direct reflected light is avoided by using a black stripe The narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Especially useful when the object is e.g. wearing glasses
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

A Better Bounce Card - Feather-Light (Version 2)

When bouncing flash light you get two additional directed light rays from the side. Direct reflected light is avoided by using a black stripe The narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Especially useful when the object is e.g. wearing glasses
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

A Better Bounce Card - Pro (Version 1)

Intended for using when bouncing backwards or on the ceiling. Avoids glaring people standing behind you.
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

A Better Bounce Card - Pro (Version 2)

Intended for using when bouncing backwards or on the ceiling. Avoids glaring people standing behind you.
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

Ultimate Bounce Card

When bouncing flash light you get additional directed light. Avoids glaring people standing behind you.
Build as described on , simply the size was changed a bit so using a DIN A4 size foam rubber would give two pieces. The inner part is basically A Better Bounce Card - Baby cut from white foam rubber. The outer part is a A Better Bounce Card Pro made from black foam rubber. Simply glue both part on top of each other. Make sure it stays flexible. Mount with rubber and/or klett binder on the flash where the narrow side of the flash is facing towards the object. Edges may be rounded.

If you have any further ideas concerning bounce cards then juyt tell me. I'll be happy to integrate them here.


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