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Welcome to loncarek.de

Most content of this web site is or will be in english language. There are some articles which are additionally i.e. only available in german language. These are marked accordingly. Nevertheless I will try to keep the content multilingual as far as possible.

In case the article or parts of it is available in several languages, you can switch the language by selecting the desired flag.

Have fun
Karl Loncarek

The latest news:

A new version of µStart is available (1.6.0). Icons of applications are now shown in the traymenu.
Chekker was updatet to version 1.2. There are no new functions, just bug fixes.
A new version of µStart is available (1.5.4). A bug in display of traymenu was fixed.
No changes here for a long time. Daily life occupies me. Also hobbies are changing. Therefore some new photos about my new hobby.
A new version of µStart is available (1.5.3). Some bugs in configuration and display were fixed.
Now the automatic blocklist does work. I found a bug. Additional I implemented a honeypot. That ist an invisible input field, which must stay empty. Robots that post SPAM do fill this field too. As soon some text is inenterd into that field the post is blocked. Simple but very efficient...
The automatic blocklist does not really work. So I'll have to block manually. I do not care as long SPAM gets less!

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